Monday, June 29, 2009

June Holidays

It's the 2nd last day of the holidays.It passed by so i visited my grandparents with my cousins.I spent my time there playing computer games with them. Nothing interesting really happend there as I visit them every week.

June Holidays

It's the last week of the june holidays... those who view my blog should enjoy it while they can. my holiday was wasted with sleeping... don't do what i did and sleep the holidays away...

June Holidays

the june Holidays are really ending next week.If only the holidays were longer... I feel that the government should make only one exam... and make one loooooooong holiday instead of 4 short ones... I feel like doing something today... maybe I'll see a movie...

June Holidays

Good news!!! today i took my Gold Star swimming test and i PASSED!!!I really didn't expect to pass it.I finally have something to prove that i am better at swimming than my brother!!!.The June Holidays are really flying pass though.I wish it was longer though.... Time sure flies when you are having fun!!!

June holidays

It's the 2nd week of the June Holidays.I still can't believe that one week of the holidays are gone.I don't have any plans for that week but i hope something pops up.

June Holidays

I went to my friends house for a birthday party and it was really excting.First we had a barbecue but my friend fell into the pool.luckily he had some spare clothes.It must really be embarrassing to fall into the pool infront of all your friends.After that, we watched the movie Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.I didn't really enjoy it as I had watched it before.After hat we started to play board games like monopoly and cluedo.After that, my parents came and brought me home as it was close to midnight.

June Holidays

Finally i get to go to the botanic gardens with my family.At first me and my brother went jogging there.At first my parents were worried that we would get lost as that we always get lost but we persuaded them to allow us to jog.After jogging for awhile we decided to head back but we got lost.But in the end my brother found the way back as he used to 'work' there.

June Holidays

The June Holidays Has Started!!!Finally i get to sleep all I want and go out with my friends and family.I have been waiting for this momment for weeks.I hope this holidays would last longer than last year's.So far I've just been playing computers and watching television all day.I hope next week wouldn't be as boring as THIS.

World Hunger

About 963 million people across the world are hungry which means that about 1/72 of the worlds population are starving.About 16000 children die from hunger a day.(which means one child dies from hunger every 5.4 seconds)I've seen their pictures on the net and they look like sticks.They survive on leftovers that people waste, but they are still contented with what they have.I feel that people should donate to the poor more often to fund their necessities in life.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My favourite place is the at thee arcade.Its fun to play the many different games there...